FreezSafe FG
FREEZSAFE FG heat transfer fluid consists of 100% virgin grade propylene glycol, may be used where it may come into incidental or accidental contact with food, beverage products or drinking water may occur. It could be used in HVAC systems, fire systems, solar heating, refrigeration warehouse floor heating, sidewalk/playing field subsurface heating/cooling, cold room dehumidification systems.
FREEZSAFE FG contains food grade dipotassium phosphate as its primary inhibitor. Contains GRAS ingredients, or "Generally Recognized as Safe, ingredients, by the FDA and acceptable as food additives (Food Additives Regulations, Subparts 182 and 184). The regulation for Propylene Glycol 21 CFR 18166 and Dipotassium Phosphate is CFR 182.6285. It also meets Food Chemicals Codex (Fourth Edition).
FREEZSAFE FG inhibitor package contains ingredients that help prevent corrosion of metals, minimizes scaling and fouling of heat transfer surfaces, and buffers the pH to maintain it in the optimum operating range. The inhibitor system is a high phosphate formulation and is compatible with all common metals in heat transfer fluid systems and is compatible with most plastic construction materials. The recommended operating temperature range of FREEZSAFE FG is -45ºF (-50°C) to +250ºF (120°C). The lowest temperature to which the finished product can be exposed depends upon the amount of water with which the concentration of product mixed.
FREEZSAFE FG can be used to provide both freezing protection and burst protection for systems which may be exposed to very low temperatures. FREEZSAFE FG may be formulated to any concentration, with deionized water. We offer a complete line of pre-mixes ranging as low as 25% to full concentrate of food grade dipotassium phosphate inhibitor glycol classified as GRAS or Generally Recognized as Safe, by the FDA.